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When Is It A Good Time To Get Your Website Re-designed?

Many businesses are unsure of when to invest in a website redesign, and often fear it as they are concerned that a change to the current website design may deter their many returning customers, who seem to have no issues with the website. New clients however, are advising the business that their website is difficult to use, and that it would benefit from some improvements.

The truth is - website re-designs will occasionally deter some of your existing clients that are familiar with the current experience; but a good website re-design will guarantee new clientele every time, and even make some existing clientele that just haven't complained, feel that you are working toward making their experience smoother and less complicated.

Often times, small changes can benefit you massively in the long run, so long as those changes are directly related to the difficulties that your clients or customers are seeing. Setting up a very brief survey that clients and customers can take after using your website or online services, can help you gather information related to the issues they're seeing, and help you determine ways to fix it, or if an additional service is needed to dig deeper into the problems and solve them for you.

Many of the issues clients will become frustrated with on a website can come from how its webpages are "mapped". Web designers use something called a "sitemap" to help draft out the "flow" of the website overall, and showcase how each page will connect to the other, and how the intended direction of traffic should move. The "flow" that a sitemap creates is not only helpful when planning out a website, but it can also assist in the SEO of your website on a variety of search engines like Google, Bing, and more, which will in turn increase traffic.

(Sitemap Example)

Whether the changes are interactivity based (changing how visitors navigate from page to page, etc.), image based (changing the look of the website, adding images, taking images away to avoid clutter), or if it is communication based (changing grammar, updating terms, etc.), a website re-design may be just what you need to get your current clients coming back more frequently, and invite new clients to use your services!

Use the button below to contact S3NTRYdesigns today to see how we can assist you in getting your website re-designed for a faster, easier, and cleaner user experience.

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